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suppose since you’re here, you have some questions for us: ‘What’s iGalen?’ ‘Who are the people behind it?’ ‘What are their motives?’ ‘Is it a power-hungry corporation bent on dominating our world?’ (well, yes…with organic healthcare!) So, let’s clear the air with some intros. I’ve been getting my hands dirty with these techy gizmos my entire life, whether its opening a computer store, doing data entry work or forming an online service community. I would also like to introduce you to my lovely wife, Jane. She has used her spectrum of skills as a writer, editor, graphic and web designer and manger in her career.  Now, despite our diverse professional backgrounds, my wife and I have a lot of shared interests. We have this innate draw towards nature. We are avid gardeners, and you won’t find a day when our house doesn’t have a foster dog from the local rescue society. And this proximity to nature has given us perspective! iGalen takes its name from Claudius Galen, Galen was the greatest physician of ancient Rome. Whereas Hippocrates laid the foundation of Greek Medicine, Galen further developed its theory and practice, and carried Greco-Roman medicine to its zenith. He served Marcus Aurelius during his reign.

His ancient contributions to the understanding of the human body fueled our passion to provide the very best products we can, so you can live the life you choose. Live Life and live it well.

With our flagship product Emulin+, our goal is to continue unveiling products engineered by nature. Products we will not just promote, but will also personally consume. Products we will stand firmly behind and gladly share with our loved ones. We believe firmly in what we do and how we do it.

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IGALEN VICTORIA Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #94.19

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IGALEN VICTORIAInternet Popularity Percentage: 75

This rank displays where IGALEN VICTORIA ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. IGALEN VICTORIA position in our index ranks them at 75 home businesses actively tracked in our database.

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