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Global Domains International

Global Domains International, Inc. is the worldwide domain name registry for all .ws (Dot WS) domain names. Our product is an incredible $10 per month package that includes your own domain name, hosting accounts, and up to ten email accounts, plus an easy-to-use online web site builder that will allow you to get a professional looking web site on the web as quickly as possible. And the best thing is, you can try out everything we have to offer, starting today, for FREE.

Since 2004, the heart of GDI global affiliate program has been a simple yet powerful 5 layer compensation structure, which pays out a total of 50% of all revenues received.

As a GDI affiliate, you will be rewarded with a 10% commission on the revenue generated from each layer, down through a total of 5 generations, with no limit to how many "front line" (Layer 1) affiliates you may have and therefore no limit to your potential income.

In this simple illustration to the right, you will see that if you personally introduce just 5 affiliates and each of them do the same, you will have built a network of 3905 affiliates.

Whenever one of them makes a sale or spends money themselves on a GDI service, you will receive 10% of every transaction, whether it is monthly or annual, which means long term, residual income for you.

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Global Domains International Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #92.84

This rank displays where Global Domains International ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Global Domains International position in our index ranks them at 92.84% home businesses actively tracked in our database.

Global Domains InternationalInternet Popularity Percentage: 92

This rank displays where Global Domains International ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Global Domains International position in our index ranks them at 92 home businesses actively tracked in our database.

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