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World Global Network - Helo

Wor(l)d’s incredible technology has grabbed my attention more than any other, and is what I believe to be a “game-changer” in health and wearable technology.In fact, the stories that are flooding in around the globe, are confirming that the HELO is already having a dramatically positive effect on people’s well-being. This represents a phenomenal opportunity FOR YOU to be first to market. LEARN MORE –> HELO is the world’s most advanced wellness wearable wristband, utilizing Life-Sensing Technology. Unlike ordinary wristbands, HELO is not limited to monitoring and reporting physical data.HELO has active sensors, minerals and stones that directly influence the human body— recording emotions, fatigue, sleep quality, exercise, blood pressure, heart rate and ECG. It even has built-in GPS with a panic button if you are in trouble. Plus, future included add-ons will include monitoring blood-glucose levels, oxygen levels, blood-alcohol levels, temperature and much more. This may be the single most important product for anyone to own. Explore the HELO –> More information on the company #1 technology company in direct sales Wor(l)d Global Network, is a 5-year old company that has created a global business opportunity, allowing you to earn income from product sales and by building a network of members. Here are just a few reasons why I’m aligning with Wor(l)d and why the company is perfectly poised for incredible growth in the years to come: • 5 years old with $150 million in sales (mostly Northern Europe & Africa) • Just now entering the main stage of momentum • In 190+ countries and growing, but virtually unheard of in most markets • Unmatched pay plan with up to $600,000/week per biz center just in team commissions • New products launching next year including a revolutionary smartphone and other wearable tech product • Incredible loyalty membership with low $59/month requirement to stay active • No monthly shipping costs • No hindrances building international (this is not a consumable product which are hard to get into countries) • The right award-winning management team with the vision and passion to take this to a multi-billion dollar company

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World Global Network - Helo Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #88.49

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World Global Network - HeloInternet Popularity Percentage: 45

This rank displays where World Global Network - Helo ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. World Global Network - Helo position in our index ranks them at 45 home businesses actively tracked in our database.

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