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Precious Coin

Precious Coin is a type of electronic cash that can be discreetly exchanged for Entertainment products and services, and subsequently converted into fiat currency.

On the contrary to blockchain networks where transactions take more and more time to confirm, in our DAG chain the confirmations for transactions take less and less time as the network of users grows. This really is disruptive and innovative technology.

Regular transactions have a very small fixed fee, regardless of the amount that is sent. More complex transactions such as conditional payments have a little bit bigger transactions fees.

The process of mining is old and requires tremendous amounts of computing power which means huge electricity consumption, therefore Precious Coins are generated without physical mining.

Both Precious Coin and the platform its built on, Byteball, are open source and the code is available for everybody to see and check.

Starting from a user-friendly payment solution to large number of merchants and options for receiving and spending the coins. Sending Precious Coins is as easy as sending an e-mail.

Cryptocurrencies have proven to be great for investment. Overall market is rallying towards a trillion dollar market cap and Precious Coin with new technology has huge growth potential.

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1. +91-9312246401

2. +91-8368325556

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Precious CoinInternet Popularity Percentage: 96

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