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Fire Fan

Play with friends, family and celebrities during LIVE games. Predict outcomes, get points, and compete to win while earning rewards and bragging rights! Fire Fan is the newest way to play sports games with your friends. Make short-term predictions during the game to score points, move up in the rankings and win the contest. Each contest lasts the duration of one game and the player who gets the most predictions correct wins.

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Fire Fan Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #87.92

This rank displays where Fire Fan ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Fire Fan position in our index ranks them at 87.92% home businesses actively tracked in our database.

Fire FanInternet Popularity Percentage: 85

This rank displays where Fire Fan ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Fire Fan position in our index ranks them at 85 home businesses actively tracked in our database.

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